Can be made into color felt manufacturer brightly colored paper
Well, put this mask powder particle size range added to the fibers, can be made into color felt manufacturer brightly colored paper with color felt manufacturer, and can achieve the effect of UV.
3.3.3 color felt manufacturer flavored paper
Basic dye is added to the slurry, surface sizing process to perfume (incense agent resin, fixing agent and a softening microcapsule diluted by adding water glue applying surface) is made of colored paper color felt manufacturer flavored with a certain degree of sterilization, mildew, moth effect. Beautiful appearance, the use effect is good, but slow reversion (yellowing value of only 0.5).
3.3.4 retardant treatment decorative confetti
Direct dye as dye color felt manufacturer agent will color felt manufacturer agent and accelerant mixing, the white color felt manufacturer loose papers into a certain concentration of dye impregnated after 15min drying. The dye color felt manufacturer good color felt manufacturer paper into solid color felt manufacturer solution, impregnation drying. The solid color felt manufacturer processed color felt manufacturer retardant paper immersed in an 8% solution, drying after immersion 15min. Retardant treated color felt manufacturer of paper, not only to maintain the original color felt manufacturer of paper bright color felt manufacturer, and flame-retardant effect is good.
Nextpage: The color felt manufacturer apparent overall density reduction products